Reading Notes Week 15 EC: Lang’s European Fairy Tales 1, Part A

Le Chat Botte ( Wikimedia ) Reading Notes Week 15 EC: Lang’s European Fairy Tales 1, Part A Puss in Boots: · Apparently talking cats in this world are normal, but if I have learned one thing in this class it is that myths often do not include much description in the form of explanation · Puss in Boots would have been a cool trickster to have Reynard go up against. · Monsieur Puss has a very funny sound too it · Insane also that they just let this magic cat right in to see the king · This is an interesting story for a trickster though as it appears the cat is only performing tricks to the benefit of his master, will be interesting to see if this changes. Typically tricksters work for their own self gain, maybe an altruistic trickster? But I suppose he would also benefit if his master became rich · Kind of aggressive for the cat to threaten these people into supporting his cause, seems out of turn from what he had been doing. Maybe a little m...