Introduction to an aspiring Doc

Frankenstein's Monster, Wikimedia
My name is Drew Fancher and I am a senior this year at OU. My major is Chemical Biosciences and I am also pursuing a minor in Spanish and Pre-med. I spent my summer working at an Amazon factory and studying for the MCAT. I love science, which is why I chose my major, but I also really like reading, writing, and studying literature. My favorite book that I have ever read is Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley. The writing is incredible and the story itself is much more than that popular green monster. I love listening to all different kinds of music. My taste in music ranges from Merle Haggard, to Travis Scott, to Led Zeppelin. I am currently relearning guitar after taking a beginner’s class on campus last spring. This was probably the best class I took last semester because it was really well organized to create a relaxed environment to learn how to teach yourself different songs. I have also recently gotten into cooking. I love food and I am enjoying learning how to make it myself. My favorite, and best, dish right now is steak cooked on a cast iron skillet. I worked at my cousin’s steakhouse for a long time and picked up a few tricks from the chefs. My short term career goals are to get into medical school and then do well when I am there. If that goes as planned, there are a number of different paths I am interested in. I can see myself both as a practicing physician or a researcher, or potentially a blend of both. I have always found surgery fascinating, but I am also really interested in the biochemistry of the body, specifically with regards to endocrinology, metabolism, and neurology. Regardless of what field I may enter, something I definitely want to do is get involved in programs like Doctors without Borders to travel and provide medical care.


  1. Hi Drew! My name is Ashlyn and I am a senior here at OU! I am majoring in human relations with a minor in psychology. I really enjoyed reading about your music taste! I actually like a lot of the bands you listed in your post. I believe that the kind of music a person likes tells a lot about the person themselves. I also love food, but I definitely do not consider myself a cook. I hardly ever cook food since I work every day. I hope you are successful in getting into medical school! That would be an amazing accomplishment! I also have a lot of respect for you for wanting to be a part of Doctors without Borders. I believe you will do great things!

  2. Hi Drew, my name is Jarad Anderson and I am also a senior Chemical Biosciences, Pre-Medicine major. I also spent the majority of my summer study for the MCAT (...such fun, am I right!). I play the piano and have always wanted to take additional classes at OU but have never found the time to do so. I do believe playing an instrument is incredibly relaxing and fun! I would suggest to everyone to learn how to play at least one instrument. Like you, I am also interested in both clinical and academic medicine, but I think I am more interested in the administrative aspect versus the research. I also hope to be able to contribute my skills a physician to help others in need such as with Doctors without Borders!

  3. Hello Drew, My name is Devin and i am also a senior here at the University of Oklahoma! I see you got into cooking recently which is exciting because I love to cook too! My favorite dish to cook so far is Chicken Enchiladas. Also I see that you worked at the Amazon factory for the summer which is really awesome, I feel like that would be such a cool job!

  4. Frankenstein is an AMAZING book, Drew; if that's something you would like to re-imagine as a project for this class, that would be very cool indeed. Most people have heard of Frankenstein and his monster in some general kind of way (maybe just as a joke rather than something serious)... but the intensity of that book is probably new to most people. Anyway, if you want to work on that for a project, thinking about your own way of telling the story, studying the history of illustrations to the book (when and how and why did he become green?!), that would be so cool. I know you would have a lot of interested readers (including me!). Or maybe you could use this class as an excuse to explore other literature of the weird, like the great H.P. Lovecraft. Just to take one example among many: so many stories, so much imagination! :-)

  5. Hi Drew, my name is Madison, but I also go by Madi. I am currently taking a beginning guitar class with Larry Hammett. I have an electric guitar and a classical/acoustic guitar, which I have had for at least ten years now and it's about time for me to learn how to play them! I love that you are learning to cook, I love cooking and baking! Me and my boyfriend's favorite meal is to cook a steak or salmon in our cast iron. You should watch some Gordon Ramsay videos on YouTube, we have learned so much about cooking and he has some simple dishes that are absolutely delicious! Good luck to you in your endeavors on cooking, your career, and literature!

  6. Hi Drew! My name is Sammie and I'm a junior advertising major. I think it's really cool you're learning to play the guitar. The only instrument I know how to play is the ukulele, which I'm hoping one day I can transfer those skills to guitar. It's also really rad you want to get involved with Doctors without Borders. I know a little bit about that organization, and it definitely seems like you're on a really amazing and rewarding path. Hope you have a great semester!

  7. Hi Drew! Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is an all-time favorite of mine as well! The book truly encapsulates the best parts of the era of Romanticism and is positively riveting to read, especially for the first time! I also play guitar and while I haven't taken classes here at OU, I remember the classical guitar classes I took in high-school were amazing for the same reasons you list above. It also served as a nice break from the more traditionally academic classes without being any less rigorous or educational. It's very commendable of you for wanting to get into Doctors Without Borders! I wish you the best of luck with your many endeavors!

  8. Hi Drew! My name is Maria and I'm also a senior here but graduating in December. I'm marketing major and I'm currently in the job hunting phase. I also am super into food and love to cook. I try to cook at home everyday and love to try new recipes ad enjoy them with friends. Good luck with your future plans!

  9. Hi Drew!

    I am also a senior at OU this semester. But man, your degree choices are crazy to me. A major with that much extra sounds really hard. I decided to just go for a degree in mathematics and even that can be a struggle sometimes. I can really get on board with your music tastes though. I mostly like hip hop, but I can definitely get on board with some rock. Good luck this year!

  10. Hey Drew! My name is Hayley and I also am minoring in Spanish! I, however, am on the opposite end of the spectrum with majors because mine is Advertising. Medical stuff freaks me out and I have so much respect for pre-med people because y'all have to do some insane stuff! I bet it is super rewarding, however, to join Doctors Without Borders and save actual lives. Good luck!

  11. Hi Drew! To be honest, I'm a bit jealous that you've got this steak-cooking skill. I've always wanted to learn how to properly cook a steak. I was glad to hear of your interests in medicine and surgery, as surgery was a field I myself considered. Also, I love that you touched on Doctors without Borders. It's such a neat program and a really cool way to serve others. I hope you get the opportunity to be a part of it.

  12. Hi Drew! I also love science and anything having to do with the processes that occur in the body (so you can imagine that I really enjoyed Biochemistry, Anatomy, and Physiology). I also have learned to love research and I might also try to combine my working field with research (as I want to become a PA). I went on a medical mission trip and other mission trips so I also want to try to do something like Doctors without Borders someday. You have really great goals and I hope you accomplish all of them!

  13. Hi Drew! I’m a Chemical Biosciences Pre-Med major too! Your future goals are amazing! I hope you accomplish them all! And Good luck on the MCAT. I think it’s so cool that you are learning to play guitar. Back when Guitar Hero was really popular my brothers and I tried to learn the guitar, but the farthest we got was learning to play just the intro to ‘Smoke on the Water’.

  14. Hi Drew! Wow, your major sounds very difficult, but I am glad you have found what you want to do! I am far more talented and better at reading and writing than math and science. You seem very dedicated in your studies and the goals that you have set for yourself. I too have recently gotten into cooking since I am now living on my own. Good luck on the MCAT!

  15. Hey Drew. Your summer seemed pretty packed with you working at an Amazon factory and studying for the MCAT. I know a lot of people that have taken it and when they study for it they try not to do anything but study for it so it's impressive that you were able to do both. I hope you accomplish all your career goals and doing Doctors without Borders sounds like an amazing experience.

  16. Hey Drew! I am a senior too and graduating in December and it is terrifying. Luckily you have med school so you have a little time to figure everything out but I am sure that studying for the MCAT is stressful too. Also, it is so cool that you worked at the Amazon factory. Did you like it? I see stories in the news all the time saying that it is great or terrible and I never know what is true.

  17. Hi Drew! Wow! All of your studies at OU sound so interesting! Taking the MCAT sounds so difficult, but it great to know that you spent so much time studying for it! I wish you the best of luck. I think that it is really cool that you are relearning the guitar. The guitar is such a fascinating instrument. I wish you the best of luck as you enter the medical field.

  18. Hi Drew! I read Frankenstein a few years ago in AP Literature, and I definitely enjoyed reading it! I think what I really enjoyed, though, were the activities we did while reading it. It was around Halloween, so my teacher had the physics teacher come in to teach for the day and we got to play with a Van de Graaf generator.


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