Reading Notes: The Life of Buddha, Part A
Meditation by Moyan Brenn (Wikimedia)
Siddhartha’s First Meditation
- Emphasis on knowledge indicative of that value within culture
- Interesting method of plot development where main character is meditating. Can’t have him talk, instead has passerby comment on him to elaborate what is occurring
- Supernatural occurrences with nature mark this story: ie. Shadow not moving
- Interesting quote at end that must stop working in fields, must seek the great truths
- Would be interesting to insert theme of finding the great truths working among the fields and talking to people of the earth. I would suggest that this is where real knowledge is found but this may not fit the caste system of the culture I believe this is set in: potential for retelling
First Encounter and Two More Encounters:
- I like the emphasis on nature and the use of descriptive imagery to convey this
- Scenes of nature and seasons as exposition frame stories nicely
- Interesting theme of old age as ruin of the body
- Encounters: Old age, sickness, death would make for good retelling of the different encounters
- Descriptions by the chariot driver interesting takes on each affliction
- In each encounter, the King has tried to shelter the prince and the gods spoil it. Could be retold in a more extreme version. Could also be retold as a visitor taking the prince out of the castle and showing him the world by having him walk among them. Could blend First Meditation into the same story.
- Prince’s revelation each time consists of realizing that each affliction is not just of the body he sees but a plague of mankind. Each time he thinks, how can I enjoy the different things of life when this is an issue, would be cool to retell with descriptions juxtaposing the beauty of nature and joys of life with pain of the different afflictions
Selected Stories from The Life of Buddha by Andre Ferdinand Herold (Web Source)
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