Topic Brainstorm

Thor having a meeting with some giants (Wikimedia)
The element of a trickster in a story is something I have enjoyed since I was younger. I would like to learn more about different tricksters from different cultures. I think it would be interesting to see what similarities and differences there are. I think it could be fun to write a retelling where two tricksters meet, or even a group of tricksters meet. It could also be fun to write about a trickster who gets a taste of his own medicine. I was particularly interested in Reynard the Fox, and I’m excited to read more of his stories and look at how it reflects that region of Europe’s culture.

I am a big fan of ghost stories, and especially ghost stories that are interwoven with history or real places. Something about having that connection to the real world makes those ghost stories even better. I have studied OU’s tradition and history a good bit for an organization I am a part of called Crimson Club. One of our tasks is to preserve the history of OU, so it might be cool to mix some ghost stories with that background knowledge. It is also a topic I know a good deal about, so that may help me in retelling some stories and might make this a unique topic for me to write about.

Originally, I was most interested in studying European based stories in this class, but after reading a Native American ghost story this past week, I realized that I am also interested in learning more about Native American mythology. I like these stories because they’re based in and around the places we live today. This is also an area I could serve to learn more about in general. There are a number of stories I could tell in this broad category, but I think one interesting route would be to create a coming of age story or some form of origin story.

My dad’s favorite comic book character as a kid was Thor, and so naturally mine was too. Through this I have always been interested in Norse Mythology, and I would enjoy taking a deeper look at the legends that created some of the characters I’m familiar with today. One story that might be interesting to tell would be Mythology Thor meeting Marvel Thor as an exploration of the similarities and differences.


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