Week 8 Progress
Rosie the Riveter (Wikimedia)
I am not quite happy with my progress
so far, there have been a number of weeks where I haven’t been able to finish
all of the assignments and I haven’t done any extra credit work to make up for
it. I have not yet nailed down my weekly routine for this class, and I plan to
do some reevaluating of my current strategy. So far the only extra credit
option I have used so far was using the extra reading assignment for Reading B.
I need to do more of the EC work on top of doing my actual work in the future.
My new goal is to do one extra credit assignment each week, in addition to
completing all of the assigned work. Things have gone well developing my blog
and website and I have actually enjoyed the work more than I expected. The
biggest pitfall I want to avoid in the second half is procrastinating because
of the extra credit options. I also want to make sure to not procrastinate on
the extra credit assignments I already need to make up.
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