Week 8 Reading and Writing

The Great Flood by Bonaventura Peeters (Wikimedia)

Reading and Writing Review

I think that the reading and writing assignments in this class are working well for me. I enjoy the readings and am always left with plenty to write about in my retellings. My biggest issue so far has just been getting the assignments done on time. Looking forward my biggest focus will be trying to get assignments done earlier in the week. I have been pleasantly surprised by how creative I have been in my writing, and how much I have enjoyed the readings. As a science major it is easy to get lost in classes that are less writing intensive and less reliant on creativity. It is refreshing, and important, to take time for classes like this where I can explore and train those areas that may not normally get enough attention.

I selected the image above because it is one of my favorite pieces of artwork I included with a story. I love the style, and the sense of awe that the colors, proportions, and medium convey. Whenever I search for images to include with my stories I like to try and use artwork like this as much as possible.

As I mentioned before, looking forward my biggest adjustment will be combating procrastination and not missing assignments. In addition, I want to try and keep more of an open mind in my reading notes. I have found that I get really interested in some of the earlier stories in a unit, and then I will decide I want to retell that story without giving the others from the unit a chance.


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