Story Lab Week 14: Storybook Research

Godfather Death ( Wikimedia ) Story Lab Week 14: Storybook Research New Story for Retelling: Brothers Grimm: Death's Messengers I needed a story to base the final chapter of my storybook on and so I decided to do Storybook Research to find a source for retelling. I wanted this last chapter to reveal the narrator, who is also the final trickster Reynard has to face, Death. I searched the UN-Textbook and the first story I found actually fit perfectly. I found the Brothers Grimm: “Death’s Messengers” Story. Within the first part death is injured and a young man helps him so death promises to send messengers before he comes for him himself. I think this part of the Brothers Grimm story will be a flashback within a dream in the Storybook Project. Reynard will take the place of the man and the dream will recall a past arrangement between Tricksters. As the story continues the young man grows old and is surprised to see death, who then claims that he sent many messengers in the f...