Feedback Thoughts

Feedback (Wikimedia)

I read “A Simple 5-Second Habit to Rewire Your Harshly Self-Critical Brain” and “Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt in Creative Work.” I liked the messages in both articles and the topics they dealt with are some things that I have been grappling with lately. I connected with the story in the first article talking about struggling with diet and developing REBS. The idea that one dessert would ruin a whole diet is actually more ridiculous than the idea that it wouldn’t, but when you have a self-critical mindset it can seem reasonable. I like what the second article said about comparing yourself to others. It is far more beneficial to compare yourself with your former self. Overall, much of what they talked about in both articles are things I’ve implemented myself with a lot of success. I used to be really bad about overthinking and being self-critical, and though I still struggle, I’ve learned to step back when I start doing this and try to change my perspective, almost providing myself my own feedback. 


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